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The Secret of NIMH cut off my balls

This page is in no way flaming the NIMH movie in any way. Please try to look at this with a light-hearted point of view. If you take offense to this and other Ate-My-Balls pages, you are definately in the wrong place. Warning! The content of this page may not be suitable for younger or immature viewers.

Got some balls?
Justin, I feel that I must tell you something...I really want your balls!

Oh please dear God, no! Not my balls!

Protect those balls!
I will fight forever to protect my lady's balls!

That's gotta hurt!
I'm gonna cut your balls right off!

That's for damn sure!
My dear son Timmy, you see what happened to me after I had my balls taken! I ended up in your damn-awful sequel!

Feel the power!
Never Underestimate the Power of BALLS!

The Queen's Award!

Check Out
Krazy Keith's Almost Complete List

Krazy Keith's (Almost Complete) "ATE MY BALLS" Links!

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is owned and operated by NIMH Lover.

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